Wednesday, May 03, 2006



Anonymous said...

Hey I was just wondering what medea's real hair color was?

*annoying know-it-all voice*
cause on the FIRST post theres like a "hair color black" packet

Izak Flash Man said...

Heeeeeey. I never noticed that before.
Chances are it was "white girl black" then they changed it to "japanese girl" black. Meowza, we need answers I say!(for something so trivial it doesnt even really matter.)

meowza said...

Categorize that under: Damn, someone remembered that!

Her hair was dark to begin with, but it can always be blacker!

Izak Flash Man said...

ya. I know how you feel about that category thing. I have done that so many times its not funny(anymore).
I couldnt really imagine her hair being blond or anything, its just not Media.